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It’s no secret that many women imitate orgasm during sex. Ladies are very dependent on emotions and their sexual reaction is more complicated than men’s. To feel the charm of intimate life will help special pills that enhance sexual desire. To purchase them, it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy, just go to our website Pharmacist-consultant online will help you choose the best drug. We guarantee anonymity and fast delivery of goods. All goods on the site are purchased from reliable suppliers, and its quality is confirmed by special documents. Read also female viagra
As in male Cialis, the main component of the drug is tadalafil. One tablet of medication contains 10 mg. The tool makes the genitals more sensitive to stimulation and increases the chances of an orgasm by blood flow to them.
Cialis is taken for women 30 minutes before the onset of sexual stimulation, washed down with normal water. The drug continues to last for 36 hours. During this period, the caress of a partner causes much more emotion, and the vagina becomes more sensitive, producing a greater amount of lubricant.
With the help of the drug a woman can feel liberated and relaxed. She becomes more emotional and can get multiple orgasms.
Contraindications and jams
The drug is not recommended to use daily. The period between intake should be at least 36 hours. During the day, you can take no more than 20 mg of tadalafil, otherwise there is a risk of side effects, manifested in the form of the following symptoms:
- Digestive disorders.
- Headache and dizziness.
- Pain in the back or in the muscles.
- Redness of the face.
- Nasal congestion.
- Increases or decreases in blood pressure.
Characteristics Cialis for women
In most cases, side effects disappear during the day, although pain in the muscles and back can persist for up to two days.
The use of Cialis should be abandoned for women during pregnancy and lactation. It is also not recommended to use the remedy for oncological diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The drug can not be combined with alcohol.
With the help of Cialis, women can enjoy delightful sex and get multiple orgasms, even if the partner is not too gentle and caring.
How does female Cialis work and how effective is it?
In what cases does Cialis for women prescribed by a doctor to their patients? Are there any age restrictions and other contraindications to receive? Representatives of the weaker sex should understand the mechanism of action of Cialis, in order to exclude an attempt to buy medicine on the advice of a girlfriend without consulting a gynecologist.
General characteristics of the drug
Cialis for women, or Femalefil (trade name), is manufactured by an Indian pharmaceutical company. In the line of female drug was launched after receiving positive results from taking Cialis men.
The main active ingredient is tadalafil, which is able to block the production of the enzyme of the phosphodiesterase group 5, which affects the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs in a woman and reduces blood flow to the reproductive system.
The property of female Cialis is an aid in enhancing sensitivity, excitability during sexual intercourse and reducing the period of orgasm, which, due to external and internal circumstances, makes it difficult for a lady to receive pleasure.
Cialis is a medicine used to treat sexual dysfunction in both women and men, due to various reasons. In the case of representatives of the weaker sex, the drug can solve the problems of hormonal pathology, age-related features (menopause, surgical removal of some organs of the reproductive system), which interfere with comfortable relations between partners.
The effectiveness of female Cialis in solving intimate problems is due to the vasodilator properties of the active substance tadalafil. Getting into the blood, this component contributes to increased blood flow in the pelvic area. Each cell is saturated with blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients, normalizes the pressure in the vessels.
During sexual intercourse in a woman, the production of lubricant increases, and sensitivity to external irritation of the clitoris, labia, and vagina increases. The lady disappears stiffness, tightness, which could be a psychological barrier to relaxation in full.
Dosage and activation period of Cialis
The instructions for use of Cialis for women recommended dosage of 20 mg per day. This is an average value, because the quantity for each woman is selected by the attending physician, taking into account the individual history of the patient. The dosage can be reduced to 10 or 5 mg, if not observed serious violations in the level of hormones that regulate the reproductive system of women. According to the instructions for the use of Cialis for women, you need to take a pill 15 minutes before sexual intercourse. Manufacturers note that it is through such a period of time that the synthetic pathogen begins to act.
But the actual period of activation of the active substance is not for every patient, because different processes occur in the body at a certain rate. Therefore, a woman can feel a surge of excitement in the range from 15 to 30 minutes from the moment of taking the pill. The excitatory effect of Cialis for women lasts up to 36 hours and some women may experience a surge of erotic emotions and orgasm up to several times if an irritating factor is present. The medicine does not cause excitability and uncontrollable attraction without a reason. It only enhances the sensitivity during lovemaking.
When the doctor recommends taking Cialis for women
The male drug is designed to increase erectile function in a partner and maximize the prolongation of sexual contact. But intimate problems arise not only among the representatives of the stronger sex. There are some physiological pathologies in women that do not allow them to fully enjoy intimacy with a partner:
- The postmenopausal period and the onset of menopause in most cases gives the woman unpleasant sensations and reduces her sexual desire, sensitivity of the genitals and general relaxation during intimacy with a man;
- Hormonal changes during pregnancy and after childbirth sometimes dull the sensitivity of your partner or sexual intimacy does not bring any pleasure and relaxation
- A weakened body after a severe or prolonged illness;
- Reducing the amount of lubricant in the vagina, the appearance of dryness, unpleasant smell – these signs indicate a pathology in the female reproductive system and as a result of a decrease in sexual desire;
- Disturbances in the blood supply to the pelvic organs due to injuries, physiological changes. Insufficiency of blood supply to the ovaries, appendages, vagina, adrenal glands reduces their sensitivity and the corresponding reaction of the reproductive system;
- Psychological fear of sexual intimacy;
- Disturbance in the production of testosterone or estrogen, which are important for the full relationship of a woman with a man.
The effectiveness of the drug Cialis is due to certain chemical reactions that are activated with the constant use of the drug as a therapy for intimate pathology in women:
- Inhibition of phosphodiesterase enzyme secretion, which has a direct effect on erectile function not only in men, but also in women. The weakening of the enzymatic reaction helps to relax smooth muscles in the pelvic area and relieves tension in the vascular system, allowing blood to move at normal speed through the dilated vessels;
- Stimulation of the Bartholin glands, which are responsible for the secretion of lubricant in sufficient quantities. Vaginal dryness, which interferes with normal sexual relations between partners, is eliminated;
- Improving the hormonal background in the female body, if the test results show a shortage of testosterone, estrogen and other sex hormones.
In aggregate, all 3 chemical reactions are due to the active substance Tadalafil, on the basis of which Cialis was created, both female and male.
It is with the power of orgasm that a woman often has problems at a certain moment and it is embarrassing for ladies to talk about this to their partner. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist and examine the causes of sexual failure. If the doctor considers therapy with female Cialis justified, then the patient will be given a prescription with individual recommendations on the dosage and duration of the course.
What results does a lady get when faced with a delicate problem in a relationship with a partner and who has received a prescription for Cialis therapy from a doctor?
- Increase the threshold of sensitivity of the external genitalia with tactile contact. The effect is observed already at the first dose;
- Helps to liberate and completely surrender to the senses;
- Full relaxation improves the quality of sexual intimacy, accelerates the onset of orgasm, enhancing its quality. A woman can sense new emotions;
- Eliminates the fact of frustration from sexual intimacy.
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